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Foundation Repair – The Problem with DIY Carbon Fiber Repair Kits Atlanta, GA

Do you have a cracked foundation? For many homeowners, dealing with a damaged foundation can seem overwhelming. Many fear the costs associated with foundation repair and opt for DIY remedies. One such remedy is the FIY carbon fiber repair kit.

You’ve probably seen these kits advertised on TV and on the Internet. Marketers of these DIY repair kits claim that homeowners need only spend a few hundred dollars to repair their bowing, cracking, or tilting foundation wall and get the same results as they would have got if they had invested in professional foundation

However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Even highly skilled DIYers are not able to repair their foundations on their own. This is true even for DIYers who work in the industry. There’s a good reason for this.

The problem with DIY Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair Kits

At first glance, DIY carbon fiber kits can seem to offer many benefits for the homeowner that wants to save money on repairing a cracked foundation. However, these kits are simply not the same quality or made from the same grade of material as those used by professionals. This means that if you attempt to repair your foundation using these kits, there’s a good chance that they won’t stop the movement. You will have a worse problem to deal with in the future.

There’s also the problem with what comes with the kit. If you listen to advertisements closely or read the ads online, there is little information on exactly what you’re getting for your money. You may see some bottles and jars but there’s no mention of the exact size of the strips and other technical information.

Proper adhesion of the strip to the wall is vital for the efficacy of the carbon fiber straps. It is not only important to pay attention to the preparation of the surface but also to ensure that the adhesive used is strong and effective. It should ensure adhesion for the long term. Many DIY Kits come with poor-quality adhesive. The straps, therefore, do not perform as well as they ought to.

What to Do Instead

If you want to have greatfoundation-repair-atlanta-ga-everdry-basement-waterproofing-atlanta-2 results with carbon fiber foundation repair, you should invest in professional repair services. Our team is committed to providing our clients with the best results in repair. We use the best quality materials to ensure the best results. Working with a reputable professional contractor will help ensure that you can enjoy the results of your repair for longer.

Will it be expensive? Not necessarily. We have a wide network of suppliers and source our materials in bulk. We are therefore able to offer our customers great rates on our services. Our skilled team will work to get the job done right the first time around. We will save you both time and money in redoing the repair.

Contact us now to learn more about our services and how we can help.

Contact the Professionals at Everdry Basement Waterproofing Atlanta Today! (678) 741-2900

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