Basement Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing Options

Everdry Waterproofing has been providing basement waterproofing solutions since 1978. We offer all types of foundation repair and waterproofing solutions for smells and dampness, bowing and cracking walls and water issues. Listed here are some of the more commonly available solutions to waterproofing a home.



Option 1 – Total Excavation

In this method, the contractor uses a backhoe to dig around the outside of the home’s foundation all the way down to the footing. After the wall is completely exposed, the original footer tiles are checked and, if needed, replaced. The wall is then sealed with waterproofing materials, such as tar and plastic. Gravel is poured over the pipe and the dirt is replaced in the hole.


  • Protects outside walls from cracking and seepage
  • Enhances outside drainage system
  • Addresses 1 of 4 ways moisture affects your foundation


  • Most labor intensive
  • Messy- usually destroys landscaping and grass near site.
  • Warranty covers walls only
  • Does not address humidity which causes mold growth.


Option 2 – Interior Systems

Inside drains may be used to waterproof from the inside of the basement. Typically, this involves opening the floor around the perimeter of the basement, digging a trench, and installing pipe and gravel around the footer. The contractor also installs ‘weep-holes’ small, one-half- to three-quarter-inch holes in each block cavity to release any water that may be trapped. The holes are covered with a plastic molding or styrene panel before the floor is re-concreted.


  • Effective at removing hydrostatic pressure at base of foundation
  • Least expensive waterproofing
  • Does not disturb landscaping around outside of house
  • Addresses 2 of the 4 ways moisture gets in the foundation


  • Highest risk solution since it brings surface water inside, then pumps it outside
  • Unprotected outside walls susceptible to more cracking and leaking
  • May lead to undermining of footer
  • Warranty covers floor only
  • Does not address humidity which causes more growth.


Option 3 – Multi-Step Systems


  • Best for creating usable space and protecting your investment
  • Effective at removing hydro-static pressure at base of foundation
  • Protects outside walls from further cracking and seepage
  • Warranty covers walls and floors
  • Addresses 4 of the 4 ways moisture affects your foundation

Call us at 678-741-2900 or click here to request your free foundation inspection and estimate today!

Everdry Basement Waterproofing Atlanta

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