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Foundation Repair Myths and Best Practices

Foundation Repair Myths

Foundation repair is a serious matter for homeowners. If you have cracks in your foundation, you need to deal with them as soon as possible. Here are a few foundation repair myths that many people believe.

Time for a New Foundation

‘Foundation repair’ doesn’t necessarily mean major reconstruction. Although you should take even the tiniest cracks seriously, it doesn’t mean you’re going to spend a fortune getting your foundation totally redone. Cracks appear from time to time as houses settle. Although small cracks can lead to major moisture problems, they may be sealable without any construction work whatsoever.

Stabilize Your Foundation

Many contractors will tell you that you need to stabilize your foundation and that this will solve the problem. But no matter how much concrete you pour, cracks will appear again. Your house is sitting soil that shifts, in addition to the aging that occurs which I mentioned above. Stabilizing your foundation won’t cure all future foundation repair problems.

Foundation Repair Is Expensive

Foundation repair doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. Many homeowners put off getting their foundation fixed because they’re afraid of the damage it’s going to cause in their budget. But first of all, it depends on the size of the problem, as we said above. Second, no matter how much it costs, it’s something you need to take care of or else you’ll have persistent moisture problems.

Your Yard Will Be Destroyed

Another reason homeowners are afraid of foundation repair is that they believe it will mean destroying their yard. This is a myth. Usually, foundation repair doesn’t affect the yard at all. They may need to excavate slightly around the perimeter of your house, but this is only when there is severe damage. Even if excavation is required, it won’t ruin your yard completely.

There’s a One-Size Fits All Solution

There isn’t only one way to effective fix a foundation. The goal of any foundation repair work is to cut down on moisture that’s coming in from outside and there are a number of methods used to do this. One simple method, as mentioned earlier, is filling cracks. Another option is to re-brace the wall to keep the foundation from moving and prevent expansion between blocks. You can also use carbon fiber strapping to stop walls from bowing.

You May Not Need Foundation Repair at All

Finally, the last myth is that any moisture problem requires foundation repair. You may be able to fix the problem by reshaping land around the house and upgrading your drainage system.

Each basement has its own foundation repair needs so talk to a contractor about what needs to be done in your basement. Whatever you do, don’t let any of the above foundation repair myths keep you from taking action and getting it fixed.

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